Here you will find a list of talks, datasets, service and other activities I have participated in.
These are some talks I have given before
Aprendizaje automático de rutinas en casa mediante uso de sensores para identificar cambios de comportamiento
Talk In Spanish. Invited talk to the forum "Innovation and Opportunities in healthcare from Information Engineering" June, 2019 Watch
Reconocimiento de actividades usando smartphones
In Spanish: Invited talk for the class of Research Seminar of the Master in Mathematics of the Sergio Arboleda University
I believe in creating open datasets to contribute to research.
ContextAct @ A4H Dataset
A dataset of Activities of Daily Living containing 1 month of real-life data collected in a smart apartment with over 200 sensors. Download
Nurse Care Activity Recognition
Two datasets of wearable sensors and motion capture containing data about nurse care activities collected in a laboratory and real life settings (second challenge)
The first challenge Download
Data for the second challenge Download
Cooking activity Recognition
Contains data from 4 accelerometers (smartphones and smartwatches) and motion capture collected in a laboratory setting during cooking sessions of 3 recipes. Download
I created some tutorials to help you get started Check them
- Best Paper Award Committee Member for ISWC 2022
- Technical Program Committee member for ISWC 2022
- Data Chair at CHI2022
- Co-organizer of HASCA Workshop
- Reviewer for Expert Systems and Applications (Elsevier)
- Reviewer for the journal in Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Computing - IMWUT - (ACM)
- Communications Team Member for ACM SIGCHI from 2018-2021
- Program Committee Member of ISWC2021 (International Symposium of Wearable Computing)
- I have participated in the organizing committee of HASCA Workshop since 2018 (co-located with Ubicomp)
- I have reviewed for ACM IMWUT, Sensors, Applied Science and IEICE Journals.
- I served as AC for CHI Late Breaking Works in 2020.
- I have reviewed for several conferences including CCC (11, 12, 13), IEEE Colombian Conference on Communications and Computing COLCOM (COLCOM 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017), International Conference on Applied Informatics ICAI (2018, 2019), International Conference on Mobile Computing, Applications and Services (MobiCASE 2018), and ABC (2019, 2020).
- I have served as Publicity Chair and Publications Chair for the Activity and Behavior Computing Conference.
- I served as the social media manager for INFORSID and RCIS Conferences in 2016, creating their first twitter account. You can see them here and
- I volunteered for the program «Progresa Fenicia» to help school students with their homework.